Some Website Design and CSS

I had some time to pick some - emphasis on some - CSS so that I can make this site more accessible. I was generally tackling several issues, such as a cumbersome navigation experience when browing this site.

Added navigation bar at the top

For those who might have browsed here before, I previously did not have navbar. It was a nightmare to browse here because you would have to scrounge through text in paragraphs just to find my CV and links to navigate the blog. So I went ahead and added one. It's just a flexbox with space-between. I also worked that class into the bottom bar which contained Prev and Next.

Hyperlink colours and underlines

I didn't like how hyperlinks turned blue,red,etc. (Accent colours/theming of the site is still in progress) So, I added some class properties to remove the colours and only show the underline when under the cursor hover. That was all. Generally made the site browing experience more cohesive and consistent.

Overall, I added quite a bit of HTML/CSS and size to my pages, but I think it's worth it. IMO, the accessibility and user experience really improved. If you have any kind of input about these changes, I would certainly welcome an email about it.

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.
- Jean-Luc Picard