The Migration

I've been moving from a rented place to another place, so I've been busy with those affairs instead of getting productive with my hobbies. Long story short, there were massive issues with my move and I was terribly preoccupied.

Many important events have since been announced, mainly the release of RHEL8 and Debian 10. With this, Debian Stretch is counting down to its final hours. In typical Debian fasion, Buster is rock solid and is still as lean as it can be. They even have legacy support for iptables. I am very impressed. I am hoping that a team will pick up extended support for Stretch. The release of RHEL8 has been very unfortunate. I have been planning to take the RHCSA exam but I am worried that the exam will be testing on RHEL8 instead. If you have not read the changes, RHEL8 has made a rather radical departure from RHEL7, just like how RHEL7 did with its predecessor too. The release of AppStreams, the deprecation of yum, nftables and the like.

Looks like I would have to postpone taking my exam in the mean time.

This is a rather short post, because I just wanted to update right after configuring the web server to work with the router. Thanks for reading.

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.”
- Shel Silverstein